Schedule An Initial Appointment

Whether your pet is dealing with arthritis, has had surgery, or is recovering from an injury, we can help. The first step is to book an initial appointment with me, Dr. Erica Kirsch. Please indicate whether you would like to be seen at Voorhees Veterinary Center or for a home visit (there is a surcharge for home visits).

Initial Visit Information

  • 1.5 hours long

  • A review of your pet’s medical history, activity level, and goals

  • A low stress musculoskeletal, soft tissue, and neurological examination

  • Identification of muscle weakness, tightness, pain, swelling, range of motion deficits, and neurological issues

  • Treatments that day which may include laser therapy, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, massage, stretching, exercise, therapeutic ultrasound, electrotherapy, and more, depending on your pet’s specific needs

  • A custom home exercise program with access to videos

  • Establish a plan of care that fits the needs of you and your pet

Follow-Up Visit Information

  • Approximately 1 hour long

  • Includes all appropriate treatments for your pet, excluding the cost of custom orthotics orassistive devices

  • Frequency and duration of therapy will be dependent on your pet’s needs

Please fill out the form below and we will contact you to schedule your intial appointment.