Hope for Dogs with IVDD: Physical Therapy and the Magic of Neuroplasticity
While IVDD can be a frightening diagnosis for pet owners, there is hope in the form of physical therapy interventions tailored to improve mobility, alleviate pain, and enhance overall quality of life for our furry companions.

The Road to Recovery: How Physical Therapy Supports Your Dog After CCL Surgery
The Road to Recovery: How Physical Therapy Supports Your Dog After CCL Surgery. Individualized massage, stretching, and exercise can help your dog recover faster after surgery.

Home Safety Tips From a Rehab Professional: Creating a Safe Home For Your Dog
Your home is where your pet spends the most time. It is important to create a safe environment for your dog to play, relax, and thrive.

Exploring Non-Surgical Solutions: How Stifle Orthotics Can Treat CCL Tears in Dogs
For dogs and owners seeking non-surgical alternatives to CCL tears, custom stifle orthotics offer an effective solution. Collaborating with OrthoPets, we create personalized knee braces designed to externally stabilize the knee joint.

Breaking the Negative Cycle of Arthritis: How Rehab Can Help Your Pet Live a Pain-Free Life
Arthritis follows a negative feedback cycle that can snowball and cause worsening symptoms and decreased quality of life. Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in breaking this negative cycle of arthritis.